Offshore Wind in General
What is an offshore wind farm?
An offshore windfarm is a collection of wind turbines. Each wind turbine is either fixed directly to the seabed or is attached to a floating foundation on the surface, which is then anchored in position. Wind forces cause the turbine blades to rotate creating large amounts of electricity which is then transferred to shore via a subsea cable. From there the electricity can be used, for example, to power homes, businesses, and transport around the country, or even exported abroad.
Why are we developing offshore wind? What are the advantages versus onshore wind?
The Climate Action Plan 2023 includes a suite of actions to realise the potential of Ireland’s offshore renewable energy potential, following the Programme for Government commitments to achieve 2GW in development by 2030 and to produce a long-term plan to take advantage of a potential of at least 30GW of floating wind thereafter.
Wind conditions offshore are much more favourable than on land with a stronger and more consistent wind resource. In addition, taller turbines can be used offshore allowing a single turbine to generate as much energy as three or even four onshore turbines. Floating offshore wind technology allows turbines to be located farther from shore, in waters too deep to make fixed bottom alternatives economically viable, further minimising visual impacts.
What is floating offshore wind (FOW)?
Floating offshore wind projects involve developing an array of offshore turbines supported on floating substructures that are moored and anchored to the seabed. The turbines generate electricity which is typically fed back to shore via an export cable.
Why does Ireland not have an existing offshore wind industry? Why is this kicking off now?
Until recently there were a number of key challenges in Ireland for the development of offshore wind energy projects. These include: (i) lack of a clear consenting regime; (ii) no subsidy framework; and (iii) limited grid access. These challenges are now being dealt with the publication of the Marine Area Planning Act (MAPA), the publication of a Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) and development activities undertaken by Eirgrid and the Commission for Regulation of Utilities (CRU). Furthermore, the cost of offshore wind is rapidly decreasing, while new opportunities to access deeper waters off our coast are being opened up with Floating Offshore Wind.
How expensive is offshore wind?
With the development of more offshore wind farms, additional investment in technology and the supply chain is allowing the cost of generating this energy to decrease rapidly. In the UK, offshore wind energy is now cheaper than nuclear, and nearly as cheap as gas powered generation. As the market grows in Ireland, it is expected that energy costs will fall significantly.
How are floating turbines fixed in place and in what water depth?
Floating wind turbines can be deployed in varying water depths due to the flexible design that can utilise a keel or spar arrangement depending on the water depths or sea condition requirements. There are currently several types of different floating turbine technologies (see below). The floating units are secured to the seabed via a mooring arrangement connected to several anchor points. The mooring and anchor system is designed to resist the wave loading that the structure experiences from the surrounding environment.
(Source:Eirwind – Kandrot et al., 2019)
What impact will extreme weather events have on the turbines?
Comprehensive studies are undertaken during the design of offshore windfarms to understand historic and future weather patterns. Offshore wind farms are designed, constructed, and operated within the limits of extreme weather events.
What is the scale of the proposed Emerald project?
The total size of the development will be c.1.3GW, consisting of two phases: a c.400MW development, followed by an additional 800-900MW commercial farm. The development will be completely outside the existing 12nm limit with only the electricity export cable coming to shore. The max 1.3GW site could produce enough energy to power the equivalent of 1,043,000 Irish homes*.
*Based on 87 x 15MW machines and an offshore wind loading factor of 0.385 ( CER domestic electricity consumption in 2017 4,200 kWh/year – Data from CER Review of Typical Domestic Consumption Values for Electricity and Gas Customers CER/17042
When is Emerald likely to start work on the ground?
We hope to commence the site investigations necessary to inform the detailed design of the project and to feed into the Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment process in 2021. These investigations will take place over a number of years. We are actively working with the relevant authorities to get licenses in place for our investigative works. The infrastructure for the FOW site is on a large scale and the target for first energy export to grid is set at 2030. Works on the ground will have to commence at a minimum 2 to 3 years in advance of this target.
What does a stepping-stone approach mean?
We propose to use a stepping-stone approach to the Emerald project development. This involves starting with a c. 400 MW development and then progressing to a further 800-900MW development. The Emerald team believe strongly in working with local stakeholders. The stepping-stone approach helps us to work with the local supply chain and maximise the value to the local community.
What licences have been applied for?
A Foreshore Licence Application for Site Investigation Work has been submitted to the Department for Housing, Planning and Local Government under the Foreshore Act, 1933. This application was first submitted on the 6th July 2020 and updated for the 2nd stage of public consultation on the 25th November 2022. All documents relative to this can be downloaded from the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage’s website here.
What is a Foreshore Investigative Licence?
A Foreshore Investigative License is the consent or permit required to undertake investigative/ survey work in the marine space. For the purpose of the foreshore consenting process, the law deems the marine space to be the area extending seawards from the mean high-water mark to the limit of the Territorial Sea (12 nautical miles from the coast). The license provides permission to undertake survey activities such as geotechnical and geophysical sampling, deployment of lidar devices, etc. The licence being applied for now allows us to undertake the site investigations for the cable route from the windfarm back to shore.
What survey activity will be carried out for Emerald?
The application for a Foreshore Investigative Licence provides for a range of surveys including geophysical, geotechnical, met ocean, environmental and archaeological. These surveys, and the equipment and techniques proposed, are detailed within the Schedule of Works section of the application and can be downloaded here.
As the project progresses, additional future surveys will be required, outside the 12nm limit covered by the Foreshore Act, in the area where the turbines are intended to be deployed. Among other things, these surveys will assess ground conditions and measure wind resource. This will require a separate licence application. Additional environmental surveys and monitoring will also take place to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appropriate Assessment.
How long will the surveys take? What is the survey timeline?
It is intended to adopt a phased survey approach in order to minimise the risk associated with poor winter weather conditions. The intention is to begin survey activities in 2021 with a staged series of investigations over the subsequent five years as the project reaches the more detailed design stage. In all cases, surveys shall be undertaken in consultation with all relevant stakeholders where appropriate.
The time taken to carry out the individual surveys varies depending on how large the survey area is and on what survey is being undertaken. For example, geophysical surveys such as multibeam echosounder (MBES) and side-scan sonar (SSS) are generally vessel towed at a speed of 3.5 to 4 knots and an area such as that applied for in the Foreshore Investigative Licence could take approximately 10 to 12 weeks to cover but this is highly dependent on a number of factors. Conversely, met ocean surveys such as LiDAR involves deployment of a unit which is mounted on a buoy and is moored using a mooring chain and concrete anchor. The buoy will be moored to the seabed for a duration of 12 to 36 months and will be powered by solar panels, batteries and micro wind turbine generators. Environmental sampling, such as bird and mammal surveys, will provide baseline data to inform the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and Appropriate Assessment
How big are the wind turbines and how many?
The largest turbine currently constructed is the 12MW machine developed by General Electric (see image below for scale), however considering the timeline for this project, it is likely that the turbines installed here will be in the 15-22MW range. These will have a rotor diameter of several hundred meters with 15MW turbines expected to be c. 275m in height. 87 machines at 15MW would be required to meet the 1.3GW capacity design for Emerald.
Will I be able to see the turbines from shore?
The site selected for Emerald, off the Cork coast, has been deliberately chosen to minimise the visual impact. The nearest turbines proposed will be approximately 35 km from shore. Visualisations simulating how Emerald will look from shore have been produced, which can be downloaded here.
Can we sail around the turbines?
Sailing between individual turbines is subject to compliance with all Marine Safety legislation and compliance with any requirements from the Department of Transport (DTTAS).
How long will the turbines be in place?
Currently, an offshore wind turbine would be expected to have an operating life of approximately 20-25 years depending on the model, weather and sea conditions. The lifetime of this project is unknown however it is likely the turbines will be on site until the mid-2050s.
What is happening to the Kinsale gas platform?
The Kinsale gas platform and associated infrastructure has been largely decommissioned under a consent granted by the Minister for Communications, Climate Action and Environment. The decommissioning commenced in mid-2020 with the gas wells sealed and all but the pipeline to shore has been removed. Final survey work to ensure all elements have been satisfactorily completed will be carried out in 2023.
Will the team be engaging with stakeholders about Emerald?
The project team are fully committed to continually engaging with stakeholders and local communities from a very early stage to ensure that everyone’s voice is heard and respected right through the process. A wide range of stakeholders will be consulted throughout the project including fishers, shipping organisations, local community groups, recreational marine users, environmental groups, and government agencies. This consultation process is already well under way. Interested parties can get in contact here.
Why was this site chosen?
The Emerald site, off the south coast of Ireland, was chosen after initial, desk-based assessments of wind resource, grid connection, seabed characteristics, among many other considerations. The use of floating wind technology allows Emerald to be located far from shore, minimising visual impacts and disruption to local communities, in waters too deep to make fixed bottom alternatives economically viable. Water depths in the area of interest were also a factor that focused attention on this site.
Finally, the legacy of the Kinsale gas activity provides a unique opportunity to redevelop this marine area as an example of the energy transition from fossil fuels to clean, green, marine renewable energy.
How can I get more information?
For any additional queries, please contact us here.
Will there be loss of access to fishing grounds?
The National Marine Planning Framework (NMPF) which was published in early 2020 for consultation promotes inclusion and coexistence between multiple users of the marine space. Emerald will adopt a similar ethos of coexistence.
We recognise the importance of engaging as early as possible with the local fishing community to ensure ways are found to minimise the impact of the wind farm on fishing. To accommodate local fishers the wind farm can be designed and laid out in a way that reduces its impact.
What is the impact of seismic surveys on finfish and marine invertebrates?
Seismic surveys, using air-guns to create a sound wave that gets reflected back off substrate rock layers, are employed as part of the suite of geophysical surveys. Unlike seismic surveys carried out by oil or gas exploration companies, an offshore wind energy developer only needs to know the nature of the seabed to a shallow depth. This allows them to carry out the surveys using smaller soundwaves.
The impacts of seismic surveying techniques have been analysed and studies have shown that there is little significant impact on fish and squid behaviour as a result of these works. The temporary nature of the surveys, coupled with the limited impacts, minimise the risk to these populations*. Furthermore, a study on lobster and scallop mortalities due to seismic exposure showed no discernible effects as a result**.
*Fewtrell, J.L., & McCauley, R.D. (2012). Impact of air gun noise on the behaviour of marine fish and squid. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 64(5), 984-993.
**Day, R.D. et al. (2016). Assessing the Impact of Marine Seismic Surveys on Southeast Australian Scallop and Lobster Fisheries, Final Report 2012- 008-DLD (FRDC, 2016).
What is the impact of seismic surveys on spawning and nursery grounds?
Seismic surveys, using air-guns to create a sound wave that gets reflected back off substrate rock layers, are employed as part of the suite of geophysical surveys. Unlike seismic surveys carried out by oil or gas exploration companies, an offshore wind energy developer only needs to know the nature of the seabed to a shallow depth. This allows them to carry out the surveys using smaller soundwaves.
Laboratory studies have shown limited effects on juvenile seabass as a result of exposure to seismic noise*. Other studies on the effects of seismic disturbance on the development of lobster larvae in Australia have shown no measurable negative effects with noises of up to 227 dB**.
*Radford, A. N., Lèbre, L., Lecaillon, G., Nedelec, S. L. & Simpson, S. D. (2016). Repeated exposure reduces the response to impulsive noise in European seabass. Global Change Biology 22, 3349-3360.
**Day, R.D., McCauley, R.D., Fitzgibbon, Q.P. & Semmens, J.M. (2016). Seismic air gun exposure during early-stage embryonic development does not negatively affect spiny lobster (Jasus edwardsii) larvae. Scientific Reports, 6(1).
Will individual fishermen be compensated for loss of earnings?
We recognise the importance of engaging as early as possible with the local fishing community to ensure ways are found to minimise the impact of the wind farm on fishing. To accommodate local fishers the wind farm can be designed and laid out in a way that reduces its impact.
Though the priority is to avoid any disruption to fishing activity, if there is clear evidence to show wind farm development has disrupted fishing activity – either temporarily or long-term – compensation would be paid.
Are cables a snagging risk for fishing gear?
As much as is possible, cables will be buried below the seabed which should reduce or eliminate the risk of snagging. However, there may be uneven parts of the seabed where cables cannot be buried, and this could create a risk of fishing gear becoming snagged.
Some parts of the cables may require additional protection measures such as mattressing or rock dumping which could represent an increased risk and every effort would be made to design these protections to make them trawl proof.
Will there be a Community Benefit Fund for Emerald? Will it include a defined allocation for the fishery industry?
The Emerald project intends to participate in the Government’s Offshore Renewable Energy Support Scheme (ORESS) for Emerald. This scheme, which is already established for onshore wind, solar and other projects, has recently been defined for the first offshore round. The Terms and Conditions for this can be found here. As with onshore projects, a Community Benefit Fund (CBF) will form part of the scheme. This scheme will require all participating developments to put 2 euro per MWh generated into the CBF.
The Emerald project team, along with Wind Energy Ireland, have successfully lobbied the government to secure a significant amount of flexibility within the administration of these funds to ensure the fishing industry and fishers are able to get the most from this fund.
How does EMF from submerged cables impact fisheries?
Electromagnetic fields (EMF) occur anywhere electricity is used and are also naturally produced by the earth’s magnetic field. For an offshore wind farm EMF is generated by the electricity passing through the subsea cables. EMFs from the electricity grid are non-ionising. This term means that they do not have enough energy to cause damage to human or fish cells in the same way ionising radiation does. Forty years of research has found no hazardous effects from long-term exposure to low levels of EMFs.
Some marine organisms use natural magnetic fields for navigation, while many elasmobranchs (sharks, skates and rays) use their sensitivity to electrical fields to help in the detection of food. This makes it important to investigate whether EMF from the cables used in wind farms has any effect on fish and to ensure the appropriate steps are taken to avoid or mitigate the impact of EMF on marine life.
Studies carried out on cables show that when they are buried to a depth of 1 metre the magnetic field at the seabed is actually less than the earth’s own natural magnetic field.* Wind farm developers will try to bury all cables up to two metres below the seabed wherever possible. Research carried out in Scotland found that while salmon, sea trout and eels can detect magnetic fields, since the field from the cables will be below that of the earth’s magnetic field it is unlikely they would even detect it.** Studies on electrical fields suggest that any impact on fishing is very localised and restricted to approximately 30 metres from the cable.***
*MORL (2012) Telford, Stevenson, MacColl Wind Farms and associated Transmission Infrastructure Environmental Statement, Technical Appendix 4.3 D – Electromagnetic Fields Modelling. Technical report produced by TNEI Services Ltd. For Moray Offshore Renewables Ltd.
** Gill and Bartlett (2010). Literature review on the potential effects of electromagnetic fields and subsea noise from marine renewable energy developments on Atlantic salmon, sea trout and European eel. Gill, A. and Bartlett, M 2010. Scottish Natural Heritage, Commissioned Report No. 401.
*** Collins, N. 2012. Assessment of Potential Ecosystem Effects from Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) Associated with Subsea Power Cables and TISEC Devices in Minas Channel. Prepared by CEF Consultants Ltd. for Fundy Ocean Resource Centre for Energy (FORCE), Halifax, NS, 39p.
Will fishing activity be restricted within the project area during the construction and/or operational phase of the windfarm?
While construction and some maintenance activities are being carried out, it may be necessary to impose exclusion zones in some areas for health and safety purposes. This may restrict boat traffic in or around the wind farm and cable route zones.
Due to the catenary cable moorings used in floating offshore wind (FOW) systems, certain fishing activities may be restricted during the operational phase of the project. Studies are currently being carried out at the Hywind Scotland FOW site to investigate what gear types can be used within the wind farm area, in particular focusing on fish traps, potting and jigging. Benefits from the artificial reef effect in the area are also being investigated.*
* Equinor – Hywind Scotland Fisheries Co-Existence Pilot Presentation – ScotMer East Coast Offshore Wind Farm Developers Symposium, March 2020.
If I was fishing here before a project was proposed, do I have dominant rights over the use of the area?
Fishing an area prior to a wind farm being developed does not provide any additional rights over the use of the area. The National Maritime Planning Framework (NMPF), currently being produced by the Government, encourages coexistence within the marine space.
Community Benefits
What are the Employment Opportunities?
As projects of this scale represent massive capital investment into local areas, there is considerable opportunity for local employment. The project will support local job creation at all stages, including by working with the fishing industry to explore opportunities for future employment and by actively encouraging local content in our supply chain.
There will be employment opportunities in each of the project phases. The most significant employment opportunities will come during the operations phase of the wind farm, which will require a team of several hundred to service the turbines on a daily basis. These jobs will be long-term (up to 30 years), permanent and will be local. We anticipate that this project will have a transformative positive impact on some local communities along the Cork coast, creating jobs and boosting the supply chain.
What are the benefits to the local economy?
A report carried out as part of the EirWind study by UCC indicates that in 2030, 6.5-7.3GW of domestic offshore wind development would support between approximately 12,000 and 13,500 direct and indirect jobs in the domestic supply chain, with a total Gross Value Added (GVA) impact of circa €2bn for the period 2020-2029*.
As well as employment opportunities, it is expected that there will be a dividend type community support scheme under the Government’s Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) to provide funding for local projects. The finer details of this scheme are a matter for the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, however given the generating capacity of offshore windfarms when compared with onshore windfarms covering the same sized geographical area the funding could be substantial.
*S. Kandrot, V. Cummins, D. Jordan & J. Murphy (2020). ‘Economic and employment impacts of offshore wind for Ireland: A value chain analysis’, International Journal of Green Energy.
Will local businesses be given the opportunity to supply the project?
We believe strongly in working with local businesses and will actively encourage and prioritise local supply chains wherever possible. Our philosophy is to develop and nurture the local supply chain through phased “stepping-stone” developments, allowing local suppliers and communities to grow in tandem with the project stages. This stepping-stone approach will help to maximise the value to the local community.
Projects of this scale represent massive capital investment into local areas. A study in the UK found that a 500MW Celtic Sea FOW site alone could generate 1,381 construction stage jobs and 33 O&M stage jobs in the Welsh and SW region and £630M in direct local investment during the construction phase with a further £8.8M annually for O&M*.
*ORE Catapult Report – Benefits of Floating Offshore Wind to Wales and the South West, Supply-chain report.
Will there be any funding available for community projects?
It is expected that there will be a dividend type community support scheme under the Government’s Renewable Energy Support Scheme (RESS) to provide funding for local projects. The finer details of this scheme are a matter for the Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, however given the generating capacity of offshore windfarms when compared with onshore windfarms covering the same sized geographical area the funding could be substantial.
Potential Impacts
Will there be disruption onshore?
The offshore wind farm will interface with the shore in several areas: (i) an onshore landfall for the export cable and associated cabling back to an onshore substation and (ii) an operations and maintenance base to service the offshore wind farm. Both of these elements of the project will be subject to the onshore planning process and will be undertaken with a view to minimising onshore disruption, whilst also maximising the local supply chain opportunities.
Do wind turbines impact on seabirds or other marine life?
Any activity in the marine space has the potential to impact on seabirds and other marine life. Offshore wind at scale is in its infancy in Irish waters however there is over 20 years of experience in other European countries to draw upon. The project will be designed to minimise the impact on wildlife and will follow international best practice established through years of post-development monitoring, observations and other research. The development will be subject to a full Environmental Impact Assessment and Appropriate Assessment as it progresses through the planning process and we will implement any mitigation measures that have been proven to be effective where there is a real risk to the environment.
Studies suggest that offshore wind farms may act as artificial reefs and marine protected areas, increasing fish and shellfish abundance, and in turn prey availability*.
*Kingsley, A. & Whittam, B. (2005). Wind Turbines and Birds: A Background Review for Environmental Assessment. Bird Studies Canada, Environment Canada, Quebec.
Hunt, W. & Jessopp, M. (2019). Impacts from Offshore Wind Farms on Marine Mammals and Fish – A review of the current knowledge, EirWind Project Deliverable D4.13 Report, MaREI Centre, ERI, University College Cork, Ireland. DOI:
Will ship wrecks be interfered with?
No, the project development will include a dedicated Archaeological Risk Assessment with studies undertaken to identify shipwrecks using geophysical survey techniques. Once a shipwreck database has been established for the site, project activities will aim to avoid all areas of archaeological significance.